Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa


The late Maria Mphephu passed on while still fighting for her father’s throne.

Maria was the first born daughter of the late Mr Nkhanedzeni Mphephu, who was allegedly killed before he could ascend to his throne in the early 70s, said she was shocked to see people fighting for the throne when they know “exactly who it belongs to.”

For many years now the Ramabulana-Mphephu Kingship battle have been in and out of court and still no one has been announced the rightful heir.

Before passing the daughter of the late Nkhanedzeni came out guns blazing asking why people from the Ramabulana royal family are fighting for the throne when they know the throne belonged to her late father.

In an interview with STEP UP SA NEWS prior to her death Maria said her father was the rightful King.

“Everyone in the royal family knows about him, I am surprised why people who are not even close to the kingdom are fighting for the throne.” She said.

According to Maria, Nkhanedzeni Ramabulana was supposed to be king before George Mbulaheni Ramabulana but due to his young age, George   Mbulaheni became his regent and when Mbulaheni died Nkhanedzeni was old enough rule but his reign was overcame by Patrick Ramaano Mphephu.

“I still remember very well when my father Nkhanedzeni was supposed to be inaugurated as king but Patrick Mphephu was inaugurated by the apartheid government instead and that made my father very angry that he kicked every piece of furniture that came his way.” Maria added.

Maria also stated that the inauguration of Patrick Mphephu divided Venda into two parties, the Venda Independent party (VIP) and the Venda National party (VNP). The VIP was part of the ANC and VNP supported Patrick Mphephu.

“The inauguration of Patrick Mphephu changed the flow of Kingship in the Ramabulana family, this is why the Venda land is being led by a regent for many years and if we follow proper protocol the princess(Masindi) doesn’t qualify for the kingship only Nkhanedzeni’s children qualify for that throne.” She said, “I am shocked why people are fighting for my father’s throne when they know the truth.”